Posts tagged Coronavirus
Good Years, Lean Years (Shabbat Miketz)

This week, Torah reminds us good years are followed by lean years, adversity by success, night by day. The Sefat Emet adds, in seasons of joy in our lives, we must savor what’s good, store it deep in the storehouses, of our bodies, hearts, and minds — so when we inevitably, confront loss or despair, we are able to reach in and pull out memories of joyful times, or lean on the relationships we’ve nurtured with friends and family for support.

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Shabbat HaGadol

While we as a people have had years to understand our experience of slavery, and can retell its story in a way that helps us find new meaning in it, the challenge we are all experiencing now is new: we don’t know how we will tell its story, or what meaning we will find in it months or even years from now. As we live through this particular chapter, many of us are feeling a kind of discomfort -- deeper than our inability to hug our children, or see our friends, or order the food we want. This discomfort has a name: grief.

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Shabbat Vayakhel-Pekudei

The Torah tells us what defined the mishkan, our first spiritual home, was not how strong it was, how long it lasted but the effect building it had on us. God tells our ancestors, if they create a sacred space, shechanti betocham (25:8) – “I will dwell amongst you.” Our sages point out, betocham literally means I will dwell “in them.” God is not in what we build, but within the hearts and souls of its builders.

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Shabbat Zachor

The Purim story is fundamentally an us-versus-them story. And even though it was written some 1500 years ago, it speaks across the centuries to the culture wars and political struggles of our day: The failure of our leaders to reach across the aisle to address the climate crisis, the widening wealth gap, or global health threats like the new Coronavirus. To compromise on their personal agendas, or set aside their egos, in order to focus on the well-being of humanity and our planet.

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